
How Do I Pay for Treatment? Addiction Solutions - how can I pay for rehab

When you are looking for alcohol rehab facilities, whether for yourself or someone you love, you should be looking not only for a facility that will offer the best care, but also one that is affordable. It is true that there are some facilities that are simply so pricey that only a superstar would be able to afford them, but there are also some facilities that are more in the price range of the average person. When it comes to financing your rehab, there are many ways to go about it. If you do have full health insurance, then there is a good likelihood that your health insurance will pay for it, or at least a part of the cost. After all, it is in their best interest to get you "clean," rather than to have you face numerous health care issues in the future. Although there may be a high deductible, when you compare the price of what you will have to pay to what you would pay on your habit, it is always lower. Most alcohol rehab facilities will allow you to finance your r

Can I Do It On My Own? Addiction Solutions -drug rehab alone

Have you ever wondered why the U.S. and many other countries, right down to their cities and small towns, have developed drug cultures so severe that even prescription drug addiction, dependency and abuse is epidemic? It used to be that we could pretty much trust that our kids would not get involved with drugs - sure, the occasional kid would, but the vast majority would not. Now drug detox and drug rehab centers all over the U.S. are inundated with kids and young adults who have been using drugs on a daily basis just to try to live a normal life. Whatever happened to the Norman Rockwell ideal? Does it even exist anymore? Why have things changed so much? drug rehab alone Take a look around, or watch the news. We're bombarded day in and day out with news about wars, nuclear threats, global warming, economies plummeting, natural disasters wiping out towns, unemployment lines swelling, the housing market crashing, people being raped, beaten, robbed and murdered. Is it any won

How Much Does it Cost? Addiction Solutions - how much is drug rehab

In the United States, everything and every commodity costs money. While drug rehabilitation is essential to getting a person well again, it can cost a pretty penny. People should attempt to seek out treatment, regardless of cost, when dealing with any kind of addiction to promote a healthy life for them and their loved ones. Drug rehab varies in expense from treatment center to treatment center. The most expensive and unfortunately most sought out way of receiving drug rehabilitation is by going to the hospital. However, if a person does not have adequate insurance, seeking out a hospital for addiction correction can cost up to two thousand dollars a day. This can be crippling to most people and families, making treatment unaffordable. how much is drug rehab Hospitals are not the best treatment centers for addiction because they do not deal specifically with this kind of treatment. Rehabilitation centers are by far more cost effective and better at keeping a person sober once t

addiction - Addiction Solutions Group – Best Alcohol Rehabilitation Center

First let me explain what addiction is. Addiction is frequently being compelled to indulge in a behaviour that offers short-term relief, but long term damage in any area of your life (heath, relationships, finance and work to name just a few areas). The important word here is compelled. Addiction is a difficult challenge to overcome. Not because the addictive behaviour is hard to break once the addict realises they have an addiction, but because addiction is shrouded in denial, preventing the addict from seeing their behaviour with clarity. Denial is created by the addict in a bid to protect them from the loss they perceive they will endure if they give up the addictive behaviour or substance. Perceive is a very important word here because the addict actually does not gain anything from their addiction at all. Their addiction gradually and systematically destroys every area of the addicts life until all that is left is the addiction. As each area of the addicts life is slowly d

What;s Life Like After Rehab? Addiction Solutions -

After completing a rehabilitation program, it is up to you to take responsibility for your own actions. Rehab programs can only give you the tools and training needed to make the right decision, but ultimately it is your decision to remain sober and live the healthier, happier life you deserve. If you don't feel ready to face those temptations yet, your rehab center may recommend you to an extended relapse prevention program. Being honest with yourself and your counselor are the most important things you can do. life after rehab Your own will is what will keep you sober when you have completed your rehab programs. Triggers and temptations to relapse are inevitable... your reaction is what matters. It is a good idea to remain stable (where you live, where you work, who you spend your time with) and not to make too many unnecessary changes when you have returned to world. Give yourself time to take it in and fight the little battles without feeding to the influences. The fi

addiction - Addiction Solutions Group – Best Alcohol Rehabilitation Center

First let me explain what addiction is. Addiction is frequently being compelled to indulge in a behaviour that offers short-term relief, but long term damage in any area of your life (heath, relationships, finance and work to name just a few areas). The important word here is compelled. Addiction is a difficult challenge to overcome. Not because the addictive behaviour is hard to break once the addict realises they have an addiction, but because addiction is shrouded in denial, preventing the addict from seeing their behaviour with clarity. Denial is created by the addict in a bid to protect them from the loss they perceive they will endure if they give up the addictive behaviour or substance. Perceive is a very important word here because the addict actually does not gain anything from their addiction at all. Their addiction gradually and systematically destroys every area of the addicts life until all that is left is the addiction. As each area of the addicts life is slowly d

How Do I Pay for Treatment? Addiction Solutions - how can I pay for rehab

Drug rehab can be very expensive. Some drug rehab facilities charge upwards of one thousand dollars a day, which can really add up over a 28 day stay. The paradox of the situation is that the people who most need to get treatment for drug addiction are often the ones who have neither health insurance or the ability to pay for drug or alcohol rehab out of pocket. However getting free drug rehab services is entirely possible if the person is willing to be creative and/or look around at their options. This article will detail how to go about getting drug rehab treatment if you have no insurance and no money. how can I pay for rehab The fact of the matter is that there are very few private, non-profit drug rehabs. The vast majority of drug and alcohol rehab centers are in the business of making money. Therefore, if you do not have insurance or money but want to get treatment for drug addiction, you may be thinking that such rehabs will not be suitable options for you. But, I am here